The silence

Amidst all the chaos there’s silence,
Procuring a place in my heart,
Not knowing if its soothing or agitating;
Happiness they say is always around,
You seek to get it;
Getting what I wanted must be happy thy say…
But didn’t got what I needed.
Unsatisfied humans that we are,
I try not to be ungrateful;
I smile all my way but when I stop,
It starts all again.…
The silence!

Amateur peom

That day

And it was that day
Living that the moment in bliss
One of their soul was kissed
Aware of the tomorrow that
Neither existed nor their today could last long
It was known to one
Just a crutch it being
Would be nowhere after its healing
It could support just one
And thought for the later by none
That was how it was meant to be
Thought by it and it let that day be

This is hypocrisy

Yes I am a Muslim and I am proud to be one; I respect each and every religion and their believes, but I fail to understand this stupid new mordern outlook of people around me..
First of all please tell me what being modern is?
Wearing short clothes? Being okay with one night stands? Being educated? Respecting everyone’s decisions? Please tell me what being mordern is!
My religion teaches me to respect every person and every religion and to see each human being as human first and then comes the religion..respecting everyone irrespective of their age
This is what I believe in and what I have learnt through all these years

I started wearing a burkha since last few months and I saw people’s attitude change towards me drastically
They look at me like I have done something heinously wrong something very disrespectful.
These are the people who stand for women rights, who tell that its okay for a girl to wear short skirts or whatever she likes.. And I agree to it, I mean its completely a girl’s decision what she wears.
But if a girl wears full clothes she’s backward! Wow *claps*
I wanna ask all those people who stand for women’s rights why is it wrong if I wear a burkha? Why are you offended? Isn’t it my right to wear what I want to?
Now this is hypocrisy, you so called modern people out there want everyone to be okay if a girl wears a short skirt but, your attitude changes if she wears a burkha or covers herself up
Its high time that you all grow up and stop being a hypocrite
No I am not a narrow minded person.
I cover my head not my brains
If someone follows their religion they do no become backward or narrow minded
If someone’s narrow minded then its you, Who judges a person on the basis of what they wear.